CBSE Aff. No. 831092

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Dutch Pour Workshop

  • Your child learns from the environment we provide them in their own unique way. And that is what Multiple Intelligence does
  • A unique learning method that we adopt in The Landmark School which celebrates unique capabilities and capacities in your children.
  • Multiple intelligence works on 8 areas to foster your child’s learning ability - linguistic (being word smart), musical (being music smart), logical-mathematical (being logic smart, visual-spatial (picture smart) bodily-kinesthetic (being body smart), interpersonal (being people smart), intrapersonal (being self smart), naturalistic (being nature smart)
  • Dutch Pour is one such approach that relies on visual spatial intelligence to help your child to
    • Form Mental Imagery
    • Develop graphic and artistic skills
    • Strengthen learning through active imagination
    • Helps them to solve maths, puzzles and many more
    • And improves focus and retention
    ...and many more outcomes.

Why is it useful for your child

  • Better learning outcomes in all subjects
  • Never lose confidence in self
  • Better equipped top deal with real life problems
  • Strong foundation for any skill development

How DP helps one aspect of MI

  • Helps in other areas like maths and puzzles
  • Visualisation helps in retention

8 types of Multiple Intelligence that we incorporate in our curricular approach

Linguistic / word smart

Musical / music smart

Logical-mathematical / logic smart

Visual-spatial / picture smart

Bodily-kinesthetic / body smart

Interpersonal / people smart

Intrapersonal / self smart

Naturalistic / nature smart

Requirements for The Workshop

Join Mr Anand Sreenivasan, who is a Visual Art facilitator in The Landmark School to explore the world of Dutch Pour for free on Zoom live from the school .
After one week of the workshop , there awaits a surprise for the top three paintings of the budding PICCASOS

Date: 21st Feb (Sunday): 11 am to 12 noon

You don't need very elaborate equipment for this session !

What you need:

  • Camel Fluid Acrylic Kit (a canvas board, fluid acrylic paints & an apron)
    Available in any stationery store or order here in Amazon @ Rs 250)
  • Paper cups 100ml (4 nos)
  • Straws
  • Newspapers to spread out on the floor
  • Hand Towel / Waste cloth to wipe hands
  • Adult supervision is required
  • ...and some love and patience as you watch your child explore the inventive world of Dutch Pour!

See how our children explore Dutch Pour


Nursery, LKG, UKG / Montessori

Primary CBSE

Grade I to V

Middle School CBSE

Grade V to IX